Courses & Workshops

Looking for fresh tools to take into 2025?

Are you a singing teacher, voice coach, choir director, or musical director? Join us for the Voice Pedagogy Short Course 2025, a two-part, practical, evidence-based series designed to equip you with the latest tools in vocal training and teaching!

🎯 What you’ll get:
• Insights into motor learning theory
• A dive into cognitive science as it applies to singing
• Understanding vocal acoustics
• Athletic Voice Training principles to maximise your singers’ potential

📅 When: January 16 & 23
🕖 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM AEDT
📍 Where: Melbourne/Naarm OR Online

💡 Part 1 Highlights: “Some Science” (don’t worry—it’s all practical and accessible!). We won’t be looking at a thyroid cartilage or a diaphragm, don’t worry. There’s lots of great info out there already on the basics. This part of the program will explore how people learn, how exercise science principles and 4E cognition can point towards *some* helpful ways of working with singers.

💡 Part 2 Highlights: How to apply your existing skills, knowledge and experience, while working alongside the evidence-base principles explored in Part 1. This is often the bit that gets left out in PD programs. You come out thinking ‘awesome - everything I thought I knew was wrong, and now I don’t know what to teach’. I’m here to tell you that ISN’T true - you have most of the tools you need already, and this part of the course will show you how to apply them!

👉 Secure your spot by booking below.

Course Leader: Chris Nolan (more information here )